Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Too many coats, not enough pants

This is mostly just a random collection of my thoughts and (lack of) actions thus far.  10 days to go.


In my FB feed this morning to remind me of my packing issues. And to ramp up my worries about missing our Machu Picchu entrance.

Packing Part 1

How does one pack for one vacation that will include the beach in summer (sandals, tank tops), the city in rainy season (rain gear) and the tops of mountains (winter coat, layers) and fit it all into one backpack? Val and I are trying to figure that out now.

I have a down coat that packs down into a 'large' ziplock freezer bag and if I squish the air out (and the seal holds), it is pretty compact.  But do I need it or do I do layers of fleece/rain gear so I also have something for non-mountain top days?

I have a rain jacket that I can wear around town.  My friend Amy lent me a rain poncho that will be better for Machu Picchu.  Do I take both?

I choose my pants.  I hemmed them and put in the security pocket.  Thanks to some kid named Yan who donated his boys team jacket to Value Village so I could use the pockets (it had a racist logo on it anyway so it is being put to better use).

Now I have to choose which capris.  Too tight or too loose?  Welcome to my life (and my butt).


Typhoid vaccine is a 7 day course of four pills.  Pill one on day one, pill two on day three...  pill four on day 7.  Sounds easy.  But I missed day 2.  I took pill one on Dec 31 and then remembered pill two on Jan 4.  The instructions are pretty adamant that the schedule NOT be messed with.

So, I had to shamefully call my travel clinic and admit I am a travel novice/idiot and screwed up my vaccine.  They said I am fine.  They don't advertise this but the four pills can be taking over 10 days without reducing their effectiveness.  I am taking them over 9 days so I am good.

I will take the Dukoral tomorrow.  It has to be taken one week (or earlier) in advance.

To do

Haircut - booked for Friday
Get car serviced so C&J can use my car while house/cat sitting
Buy house insurance so C&J can wreck the place

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